1 min read

Pop music and Tobler's First Law of Geography - getting to know your geographic music bubble!

Pop music and Tobler's First Law of Geography - getting to know your geographic music bubble!

Have you ever wondered about the connection between pop music and Tobler’s First Law of Geography?

Say what??

Oh, yes! Take some time to explore this project about our geographic music bubbles! The Cultural Borders of Songs by The Pudding was created using Mapbox and sources data from YouTube.

There, you can read:

"And the best thing is that when you listen and talk about these songs, it’s not pop music if no one around you has heard of it."

Spot on, right?!

This project won’t change the world, but it will make you aware of your music bubble. If this visualisation changes the soundtrack of your life, it will then change your world!

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