The Monthly with All That Geo – May 2022

The Monthly with All That Geo – May 2022
Click here to retrieve all past issues of The Monthly with All That Geo.

Welcome back to The Monthly with All That Geo by me, Cristina. Every issue will bring you a new learning experience on geospatial data visualisation, analysis and storytelling.

πŸ’¬ In this month's issue:


  • Reminder: your perks as a member of All That Geo

πŸ₯Ύ How to build a 3D hiking app

Now that the weather is getting warmer in the northern hemisphere, I'd like to invite you to hike - virtually! - in Geneva (Switzerland). So, in this month's tutorial, you'll build an app displaying hiking trails in 3D.

More specifically, you'll:

  • Get data from the Geneva Territory Information System (SITG).
  • Explore metadata and access web services.
  • Create a web scene with ArcGIS Scene Viewer (including setting up a local scene, choosing a basemap, adding layers, capturing slides and clipping to an extent).
  • Build a 3D Viewer App (including using the web scene you created earlier and configuring the app's details, interactivity, look and feel).
  • Publish your 3D hiking app.
  • Make a short URL to customise your app even further.
Explore Geneva's Best Hiking Trails 3D app
Click to access the tutorial.

πŸ€” But Cristina, why would I want to create a hiking app in 3D?

I'm glad you ask! Well, for multiple reasons:

  • Promote local trails in your region.
  • Showcase trails curated by you.
  • Take a virtual hike when you cannot join the hiking party.
  • Assess a trail before doing it in real life.
  • Share your hiking adventure with your friends.

Happy hiking!β€Œβ€Œ

πŸ’‘ Reminder: your perks as a member of All That Geo

Did you know that, as a member of All That Geo, you have exclusive access to special bonuses?

🎢 Enrol in a free mini-course: You’re sitting on a data goldmine! Visualise what you listen to on Spotify with ArcGIS Insights

🎁 Receive a discount code for the Introduction to Geographic Information Systems for Public Health - an open-source approach course on Udemy. Reply to this email, and I'll get you one!

In addition, there are more open-access learning resources for you:

πŸ“– All That Geo's blog: data visualisation tools explored and reviewed; inspiring organisations and projects enabled by location data; and valuable tips & tricks to make your mapping and data visualisation journey easier.

πŸ“ Step-by-step tutorials on geospatial data visualisation, analysis and storytelling.

πŸ˜„ Tales of All That Geo webcomic (some would say this is not exactly learning content... decide for yourself!).

πŸ“¬ The Monthly with All That Geo newsletter archive.

Feel free to explore the website, and do not hesitate to let me know how I can enrich your learning journey in some other way.

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You can help it (me!) grow and reach more people, which would be lovely. Forward to a friend and let them know where they can subscribe (hint: it's here).

Anything else? Hit reply to send me feedback or say hello.

See you next month!

Take care and keep learning,

Cristinaβ€Œ | All That Geo